
Trout Apples!

I’m up this morning drinking Yorkshire Gold and eating a Spudnut doughnut with cantaloupe in Eastern Washington and stalking Etsy. What could be better?♣

♣ Things that might be better: sipping coffee and eating a macadamia nut sticky bun on Kauai; Sipping coffee and breaking off fresh pieces of baguette while sitting on a bench near the Eiffel Tower; the triumphant feeling of making perfect English scones for the first time, for starters – but I’ll take this.

Yesterday was spent running all over the Tri City area looking for a terra cotta garden pot, to be used to cook a fancy roast. My camera battery has died, but I’ll see about posting pics of the final results. In the course of our impromptu tour of every garden nursery in Eastern Washington, I got some pretty nice pics of pretty plants, and my all time favorite, the pussy willow:


My parents used to buy these when I got a splinter, which is so much easier to remove from a six year old who’s preoccupied with the botanical equivalent of a new kitten. I wish we could keep them around the house, especially since they keep better than a vase full of flowers, but Migi loves them too. She loves them the way Simpkin loved the same little fat mice as the Tailor of Glouster, with clearly mischievous intentions. So no bundles of pussy willows for me today!

I have a few recipes up my sleeve for either my time here or this weekend when I’m back at home – Zucchini loaf should be first up; I’m really looking forward to it!

♥ Momo

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