I Want to Learn to Felt

Love. It.

Wednesday Pounce! I have decided that I want to learn to felt wool. There are some rings at the gallery/studio fabricated from heavy gauge wire covered in felted wool in a variety of delightful colors – I want to stack them, mix them and match them, but more importantly, I want to know how they’re made and how to make my own. I think I can, I think I can…I will, I must! I have to, because I shared it on the internet, and it can never be undone.

I’ve really been enjoying Brown Cow Organic plain yogurt with crystallized honey lately. It’s replaced any cravings I might have had for candy or desserts, which is good because I’m too wiped to bake this week, but also good because it’s so much more incredible than candy. Really, you should try it!

Anyone notice that Egglands Eggs is advertising?? I feel uneasy about this, with a feeling similar to the one I get from watching the Corn Refiner’s Association commercials for HFCS…but without the outright indignation. I personally prefer organic local eggs, and the eggs I got once from a friend who raises his own (3) chickens were incredible – the color, the texture, the intense flavor – and I can’t help but notice that Egglands isn’t advertising hormone-free, cruelty free eggs, just that their eggs have more vitamins added. This sounds a lot like when Coke decided to release Coke + Vitamins….because it’s good for you now…right.

That’s your weekly dose of healthy paranoia; that’s what I get for keeping the T.V. on Iron Chef while I blog!

♥ Momo

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