


Dress is a very foolish thing, and yet it is a very foolish thing for a man not to be well dressed.” – Lord Chesterfield, via The Happiness Project.


Madelines! Perfect with tea, coffee, lemonade and most importantly, more madelines – I’ve been meaning to make these for a while, and wimping out because they require a 20 minute walk in the rain to buy lemons. Lemons! All those sayings about “when life gives you lemons…” if only. I’m in my kitchen, staring at the monsoon outside calling “a lemon, a lemon, my kingdom for a lemon!”…okay, maybe not so dramatically, but I do feel the absence of lemons rather sorely.


I have of course made them, and forgot the lemons. This recipe turned out nicely, but I think I’ll add a quarter teaspoon of almond extract, or possibly two teaspoons of lemon zest, as they were a little plain for my tastes.


4 eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 pound unsalted butter, melted


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Butter and flour madeline pans.


Beat the eggs, salt, and sugar together until thick. I had to do this by hand, as my Kitchenaid didn’t whip enough air into the eggs to bring them to the right consistency, and it took about 8-12 minutes of hard work between myself and a friend, bribed with the promise of tasty desserts. Add the vanilla. Fold in the flour, rapidly. Fold in the butter gently. Quickly spoon the mixture into madeline pans. Bake until golden, 8-10 minutes. Remove from pans, and upend over a cooling rack. Dust with powdered sugar, and enjoy!


I fixed a pot of Yorkshire Gold to go with these, and it went quickly!


I ♥ this dress:




♥ Momo

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