Lazy Sunday: (Early) June

A place for everything…

Dish love, found via A Well Traveled Woman. I’m spending a lot of unintended time on Tumblr and Pintrest. {Step one is admitting you have a problem.}

But I’ve made sure my friends are addicted to it too, so I’m not alone, which means….it’s not a problem! …still working on that thought process. Sorry, friends.

Had a lazy Sunday full of pretty people who were so sweet, which is always nice. Seriously, you guys who smile and talk with me, and laugh outrageously when I hold up the fantastic candy-pink Tucker dress? You make my day. Although you were very nearly topped by an adorable little girl with a headband who teetered around in platform Coclicos for a while before collapsing into fits of giggles. Just giggles, mind you – we are very safety conscious, and it was over carpet only. I think a new shoe addict was born today.

Tomorrow I’ll be back at my bench in the morning, then overhauling our kitchen. {I feel like I’m always overhauling something these days. It sounds very dramatic. I’m just figuring out how to be an adult taking care of adult things.} It’s fallen to me to make sure we’re eating right while Shawn works to make the next Angry Birds…please, let it be the next Angry Birds, I could use some new shoes. So – recipes and healthy stuff all around.

Guess what I have??

Good to the Grain

♥ Momo

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