The Day the Fire Trucks Came

The rarely photographed Momo

Photograph taken by my good friend Leah, who just so happened to have the world’s largest camera surreptitiously placed in her bag when we evacuated the building the week before last. It was a fun evacuation, nothing too serious, and the building was lovely enough to provide a very, very nice coffee cart this morning, which made me love them all the more.

I rarely post pictures of myself; you might find a few stashed here and there, but I do love Leah’s photography, and with her permission have posted it here. Also pictured is my good friend Suzi. ♥

In other news, Robin, the wonder behind A Chow Life {who until I voted five minutes ago probably had no idea I exist and read her blog every day} is a finalist in the Whole Foods Foodie Fantasy video contest, and if you want to send goodwill out into the world, you can see see her post about it and route to Facebook to vote here. I wish her luck!

I’m frequently mocked for the use of what may sometimes seem like unnecessarily long words. In the spirit of reconciliation, I give you Milne:

“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like “What about lunch?”
— A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

♥ Momo

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