November Cleaning

We’ve moved Shawn into an office off of the main living room, which is now mine! All mine! ….ahem. Migi likes to help us move furniture around. She just can’t help it when fingers appear on the edge of the table though.

♥ Momo

The Owl Thing.


I have a thing about owls. My grandmother collects them, so I grew up staring longingly at shelf after shelf of owl figurines, & walls of owl paintings, i.e. Charley Harper’s owl flying in a forest of birches. Quality owls.

…of course I’ve heard from my dad that originally she had only admired an owl figurine in passing, & a friend bought it for her for Christmas. This owl was noticed by visiting family members & friends, & the next fifty years were filled with thousands of owls. Completely out of her control. If I genuinely love owls, what will happen to me?

♥ Momo


The service here is terrible...

Do you read Sinfest? It’s one of my favorite webcomics. Today’s comic, above, is particularly relevant to what we’ve been experiencing with Migi over the past week.

♥ Momo

The Professional

Publicist Dress I

This dress does not go with this cup, but they would make a pretty good pair anyway♥


♥ Momo

Happy November!

Augustus the Lion

…no mention of what Augustus the Lion wants to do with the owl…

Wisdom from Lovely Design:

“Start the day calm. Take some time each morning to lie in bed (together) and consider our day ahead. And have a simple, yet nice, breakfast each morning. It is amazing how much more I get done – and how sweet our days can be – when I take a little time to do so.”

…in my dreams, my house is organized as perfectly as hers:


♥ Momo

No More Boring Sundays.


NMBS, for short. NMBS 1 from sooishi on Vimeo. {Very nice video}

Photo credits to Sooshi, a site you should all visit. Right now. I feel cleaner, brighter and more capable just by looking at that site. {Thank goodness for Google Chrome auto-translate.}

Scones & Sandwiches

Tea for All

NMBS is a great idea; on a Sunday which would usually be frittered away, you host a get together with tea and sandwiches. The first Sunday they hosted was also a book swap; everyone went home with a book they might not otherwise have read without the recommendation of whomever brought it to the party. Sundays with company, tea, scones and sandwiches – and a guarantee that your house will have to be cleaned at least once a week – well, enough for company. Count me in!

Since tomorrow is Sunday, I have no chance of pulling together a NMBS Day, but it might be nice to do on a day in November. I would also accept Dim Sum at Jade Garden with friends. as a substitute. Just don’t try to go on Mother’s day without an expectation of at least a two hour wait, and that’s when you have a reservation.

Books are good for you!

♥ Momo

It’s Cold!

Assam Tea

It’s cold, cold, cold, cold & cold. Did I mention that it’s cold?. It’s too cold to venture out from beneath this big blanket, definitely too cold to go looking for the extension cord I need to plug in the pickle {As the sign in the metals studio I learned in declared: “Pickle is an ACID!”} in its new location off of the kitchen.

It’s too cold to get up and sit at the bench, which is well-placed next to the heater in the living room…except that I don’t control the thermostat to the heater in the living room. Thanks to the excellent wiring in this house, our top floor flat is at the mercy of the tenants in 1 & 2, who apparently have an ample sweater collection, and no inclination to turn up the heat. I need to bribe them somehow.

In the meantime, I’m drinking lots of tea, & enjoying enormous maple bars from:

Top Pot Seattle

Top Pot Donuts, which are not warm, but are so delicious they make me forget that my hands are freezing.

Ideas for keeping warm during the holidays:

Jme Tea, from Williams-Sonoma, in Assam, above, or Passion Fruit Mango…which I might not drink during the winter, but I bet it would mix well with lemonade next July.

Passionfruit and Mango Tea

Ooooo mulling spices. I’m looking forward to December, when I will be curled up on the couch in a pile of satsumas & a gigantic mug of hot cider. This year, we will be making our own mulled cider – a first for me – and I plan to keep it on the stove all winter long.

Btw, have you seen Hello Naomi? Her bio reads “I am a robot programming computer engineer turned baker, cake decorator and party stylist”. I love it.

♥ Momo

Bright Eyes

Happy Friday!

♥ Momo

Etsy Update: October

Carnelian & Labradorite

I have put my favorite necklace up on Etsy! It was hard to do, but everyone who saw it loved it so much, & I recognize that eventually I’ll be making enough jewelry that it will be impractical to give them all names & tuck them all into a cozy bed at night – I have to learn how to let go.

I hope you love it as much as I do! I have a proper torch now, & first on the agenda are more octopus designs. I also have a small line of simple hoops and little earrings, which are perfect stocking stuffers, party favors, and bridesmaids gifts! {I’m a fan of Fall weddings.}

♥ Momo

AllSaints is Here

Washi Tape!

All Saints. They’ve been a whitewashed, fake-brick facade on the corner of Pine and Fifth/Fourth? until I stumbled downtown this morning and discovered the coolest storefront I’ve ever seen. {I walk by Anthro every day, and this made me swoon more than them. Come to think of it, I probably shouldn’t walk by Anthropologie every day. Bad habits.}

I have no pictures of the floor to ceiling Singer sewing machines that take up the enormous windows at the corner of the building. It was a choice between hot tea or pictures, & hot tea won the first round.

I haven’t even seen the clothes in person, & I know this is going to be a mixed blessing.

{Regarding the photo above; the AllSaints site doesn’t allow the reproduction of their photos, so you get more pictures of Washi tape!}

♥ Momo