Category Archives: Life

November Cleaning

We’ve moved Shawn into an office off of the main living room, which is now mine! All mine! ….ahem. Migi likes to help us move furniture around. She just can’t help it when fingers appear on the edge of the table though.

♥ Momo

Happy November!

Augustus the Lion

…no mention of what Augustus the Lion wants to do with the owl…

Wisdom from Lovely Design:

“Start the day calm. Take some time each morning to lie in bed (together) and consider our day ahead. And have a simple, yet nice, breakfast each morning. It is amazing how much more I get done – and how sweet our days can be – when I take a little time to do so.”

…in my dreams, my house is organized as perfectly as hers:


♥ Momo

No More Boring Sundays.


NMBS, for short. NMBS 1 from sooishi on Vimeo. {Very nice video}

Photo credits to Sooshi, a site you should all visit. Right now. I feel cleaner, brighter and more capable just by looking at that site. {Thank goodness for Google Chrome auto-translate.}

Scones & Sandwiches

Tea for All

NMBS is a great idea; on a Sunday which would usually be frittered away, you host a get together with tea and sandwiches. The first Sunday they hosted was also a book swap; everyone went home with a book they might not otherwise have read without the recommendation of whomever brought it to the party. Sundays with company, tea, scones and sandwiches – and a guarantee that your house will have to be cleaned at least once a week – well, enough for company. Count me in!

Since tomorrow is Sunday, I have no chance of pulling together a NMBS Day, but it might be nice to do on a day in November. I would also accept Dim Sum at Jade Garden with friends. as a substitute. Just don’t try to go on Mother’s day without an expectation of at least a two hour wait, and that’s when you have a reservation.

Books are good for you!

♥ Momo

Bright Eyes

Happy Friday!

♥ Momo

AllSaints is Here

Washi Tape!

All Saints. They’ve been a whitewashed, fake-brick facade on the corner of Pine and Fifth/Fourth? until I stumbled downtown this morning and discovered the coolest storefront I’ve ever seen. {I walk by Anthro every day, and this made me swoon more than them. Come to think of it, I probably shouldn’t walk by Anthropologie every day. Bad habits.}

I have no pictures of the floor to ceiling Singer sewing machines that take up the enormous windows at the corner of the building. It was a choice between hot tea or pictures, & hot tea won the first round.

I haven’t even seen the clothes in person, & I know this is going to be a mixed blessing.

{Regarding the photo above; the AllSaints site doesn’t allow the reproduction of their photos, so you get more pictures of Washi tape!}

♥ Momo

Exercise & Excuses

Steampunk Creepy Crawly

It’s been too long since I pulled out my yoga mat. You know how I know?

Because I pulled my mat out of the coat room this afternoon, carried it to the living room, and immediately dropped it and started shrieking.

Giant. Hobo. Spider.

I put off practice long enough that what I’m sure was once a tiny baby spider bumbling through the house, found the dark comforting corner of my mat bag, moved in, and grew to be about 1.5″-2″ BIG.

I am ashamed.

Visual aid provided by Etsy.

♥ Momo


October 11 was our anniversary! We went to the ocean, since one year ago we were married at the ocean {a much warmer ocean} and treated ourselves to two beautiful, rainy days on the coast.

…I take a lot of pictures of birds. I edited heavily, & after reviewing the evidence, I have a suspicion that this particular flock started posing before we finally left.

Ocean X

Here’s to Year II! May it be as great – or greater than year one. I love you, Shawn ♥

♥ Momo

October Quotes

Winter Chill

Winter Chill.

“Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best,” and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.”
— A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.

Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”

How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.

You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”

— Lewis Carroll (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass)

Stalling while I take pictures of my new stones; they’re just like candy. ♥

♥ Momo

Owl Thursday

Owl Wing

Owls for your hair!

Me & My Owl

Owls for your wall.

♥ Momo

Monday Cats

I need to live in Helsinki. {Too dramatic for a Monday? Tough.}

Kauniste is the source of these adorable cat towels, designed by Matti Pikkujämsä.

♥ Momo