On Style.


Foxes on the brain ♥

I have to be picky about the jewelry I wear. The inevitable course of the daily conversation goes: “What do you do?”…”Oh, so did you make that ring you’re wearing?”.

There had better be a good reason after “no”, although as soon as you’ve said it, you’ve lost them. I don’t know why. Are we all so judgmental?

I like supporting other artists, & there are incredibly talented women in this industry who deserve recognition & support, so I will still wear other designer’s work. Currently, I’m a fan of Leah Dawn, who is local, & incredible. I would like to be her friend, but I have to stop coveting her work so much, because it’s putting me in an awkward position when I talk to her.

OctopusMe. I have a ring from their Etsy shop, & it was meant to be, because I wanted it for a long time, but a friend of Shawn’s received one from her boyfriend, which made me incredibly jealous. Then they broke up, she sold it to Shawn, who then gave it to me; because it was always meant to be mine. Cast from real octopus. Too cool.

For some reason wearing anything Anthropologie – jewelry or clothing buys me an automatic pass in this town. When I say “Anthro…” instead of “No, I didn’t make this”, there’s this nod of conspiratorial understanding that passes between us, like Anthropologie is some kind of speakeasy whose full name must not be spoken aloud. Weird. Not sure how comfortable I am with that. I want to be my own person, with my own style, & Anthropologie has this growing influence & recognition in Seattle, so that anything I wear might be recognized as being from Anthro. It’s fine in the short term while I work out my sartorial style & establish myself as someone to be known for style here, but it bears thought later on in the process.

The other loophole is vintage {Edwardian} jewelry Shawn buys me. I’m spoiled for choice.


♥ Momo

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