Category Archives: Birds

Happy November!

Augustus the Lion

…no mention of what Augustus the Lion wants to do with the owl…

Wisdom from Lovely Design:

“Start the day calm. Take some time each morning to lie in bed (together) and consider our day ahead. And have a simple, yet nice, breakfast each morning. It is amazing how much more I get done – and how sweet our days can be – when I take a little time to do so.”

…in my dreams, my house is organized as perfectly as hers:


♥ Momo


October 11 was our anniversary! We went to the ocean, since one year ago we were married at the ocean {a much warmer ocean} and treated ourselves to two beautiful, rainy days on the coast.

…I take a lot of pictures of birds. I edited heavily, & after reviewing the evidence, I have a suspicion that this particular flock started posing before we finally left.

Ocean X

Here’s to Year II! May it be as great – or greater than year one. I love you, Shawn ♥

♥ Momo

Owl Thursday

Owl Wing

Owls for your hair!

Me & My Owl

Owls for your wall.

♥ Momo

The Tiny Fat Bird Thing.


Tiny fat bluebird: Etsy.

I might name my business Tiny Fat Bird. One of these days I’ll have to write an explanation/history of why tiny fat bird, but for now, I’ll stick to because. Tiny Fat Bird. That’s why.

If I hadn’t been on a bus at the time, {Yesterday} I would have stopped in my tracks at the sight of a girl at the bus stop with an adorable fat teal bird tattooed on the top of her right foot. I would have stopped and declared my undying love for her foot. I must be mad.

Robins: Lost? They look lost…

♥ Momo

Scenes from My Bench: Cat Interference.

Migi hasn’t really made an appearance in a while, so I’ll give you an idea of what I have to put up with while I’m trying to write. She’s not as fond of the Mac as I am, since she’s in direct competition with it for my attention:

…and she’s done with me, off to the bedroom window to watch the tiny fat birds in the tree in front of our house. Whew!

♥ Momo

I Need This Grey Wool Felted Owl

Sleeeepy Owl

I need this owl.

♥ Momo